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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

A little reassurance

Sometimes all it takes are a couple of nice quotes with some pretty font to make you realize good things are on the way ...

And if all else fails...
Now I feel better.
xo, Vicky

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Camp Quinn

Well after two years of deliberation, Simon and I have finally narrowed down a theme for Miss Quinn's room.
Camp Quinn
And it all came about when my eyes spied this bedding from Land of Nod...
I love that its not girly, not boyish but perfectly gender neutral. This bedding was categorized under 'Boy Bedding', but to me it just says kid.

And this shared kids room over at Lay Baby Lay sealed the deal.
Seriously. How. Cute.
Now for a list of things to do:
Find a bed
Buy a mattress
Pick a paint colour?
Paint the walls?
Make some fun art
Hang art
Have I mentioned that my hubby is working on his Master's and has zero free time?
This could get interesting...
xo, Vicky

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Say What Now? - Edition One

My friend messaged me yesterday (Hi Ash!) asking if I ever read Clara Conversations on the Young House Love life blog. My answer was a resounding YES! I love hearing about all the crazy things that kiddo says and then it dawned on me that my own kid says some pretty hilarious stuff too, so why not share it with you all!

Enter Say What Now

 Since this idea just dawned on me now, I’m a little low on examples but here are a few standout convos that had us laughing:
Quinn: “Mawmy, look, BEANS!”
Said while pointing at rabbit poop in the backyard

Mommy: “Good job catching that frog Quinn! What is the froggy’s name?”
              Quinn: “Tiny” 

Mommy: “I’m going shopping , is there anything special you want me to buy you?"
Quinn: “More Grumpas” (we call my Dad Grumpa. This one had our hearts melting) 
xo, Vicky

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Thanksgiving 2013


Happy Thanksgiving mes amis!
I hope all those who celebrated this gluttonous holiday over the weekend ate, drank and laughed way too much.
We had an amazing weekend over here.
Friday night was spent catching up with some friends from far away and cuddling their little fella.

 Saturday was spent at Nana's house enjoying the beautiful fall day and eating way too much turkey.

 Sunday morning was spent at Saunders Haunted Farm.
The afternoon was spent at my parent's house and also involved eating way too much turkey.

So much to be thankful for.
xo, Vicky

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Viper Venom

I'm sure you are all like "why the heck did she title this post Viper Venom" or "this is weird" and I can assure you that yes, this is weird.
I got a random call from my reproductive endocrinologist (read: fertility doc) on Saturday. He was calling with 'good news'. Some of my recent bloodwork indicates that I am positive for lupus anticoagulants. He is referring me to a hematologist for further investigation, but he seems pretty convinced my last miscarriage is a result of this issue and is positive that with treatment our pregnancy woes could finally be solved.
This is certainly good news but as I have learned, with every good comes some bad.
Bad #1 is that the hematologists (read: blood docs) in this town are busy people and getting an appointment can take a while. Great. More waiting, more testing, more uncertainty.
Bad #2 is that I googled Lupus Anticoagulant treatment. It involves daily injections of Heparin.
Fuck me.  
I bet you are still wondering about why the post name is Viper Venom.
To test for 'lupus anticoagulant', the lab actually mixes your blood with viper venom.
Legit viper venom.
See, I told you this was weird.
What is lupus anticoagulant?
Long story short, it causes your blood to over clot.
In terms of pregnancy, tiny clots block the placenta from attaching to the uterine wall which causes miscarriages.
Seriously, WTF.
I had a good long cry about it last night.
Then I woke up today and decided there is no point in being sad about it.
Instead of focusing on the negatives in this situation, I should really be grateful for the positives.
Positive #1 - I'm lucky we've discovered this clotting issue and avoided scary things like strokes.
Positive #2 - I stand a really good chance of having a successful pregnancy with treatment, even if said treatment means I have to give myself needles every day.
Positive #3 - Wine makes waiting for a hematology consult a whole lot better.
Actually,wine makes everything a whole lot better.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


I know I sound like a cliché, but where did the time go?
I know exactly where the time went.
It went into so many happy/stressful/rewarding/frustrating/proud days of being your mama.

In just two short years you have gone from a tiny, helpless baby to a smart, funny, creative, beautiful and independent little girl.
To watch someone grow from nothing and witness all their accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem, is the most rewarding thing I have ever experienced.
To know that I have had a part in guiding who you are now is so very humbling and although I would like time to slow down so I can savor your littleness, I can’t wait to see you grow and develop even more.

Quinn, you make me feel like I’ve won the parenting lottery every day.

Here’s to so many more wonderful years ahead Boo.

Love, Mommy


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Quinn at 23 months

Late again.
Story of my life.


Just like I said last month, you are a talking up a storm and getting better everyday.
You can now put two, sometimes three words together.
You also now add possessives to nouns.
For instance, you'll say "Mommy's water" or "Scout's ball"


When I ask you what you want for dessert, guaranteed every time you’ll say “boobees” (blueberries).

At your school they keep a tally of how many morning snacks, lunch servings and afternoon snacks each kid has. You are consistently one of the biggest eaters in the class.


You are a master manipulator. You will use any trick in the book to delay bedtime. You want your pippers (slippers) on. You want the pippers off. You want the blankets on. You want the blankets off. You want to hold your bunny. No, wait you want to hold your monkey. You need to peepee. You need to poopoo. You want water. Please Mommy, water! Etc. etc. etc.

The past couple of weeks you haven’t fallen asleep until 8:30 or 9:00 because of all these shenanigans. Kill me now. As Daddy likes to say when he’s having a hard time, “Everyday I’m strugglin’ ” (to the tune of LMFAO’s song Everyday I’m Shufflin’)

Favourite Things
 Baby Addie is still your #1 favourite thing. You sit her on the bottom step when you leave for school and the first thing you do when we get home is to run over, give Addie a big hug and a kiss and you say "Hello Addie!". It is beyond adorable.

Last weekend you had a sleepover at Grandma and Grumpa's house. They brought you to WalMart and told you to pick any toy you wanted. What did you come home with?
A big stuffed alligator of course! Daddy is pretty happy you didn’t pick a Barbie or something really girly. You named the alligator 'Otter' and he sleeps beside your bed.

And since we're on the topic of Grumpa, I should mention that you ask him every time you see him for money. You tap his pocket, make your cutest face and he usually caves and gives you a few coins. We make you keep it in your pocket, which you'll tap occasionally and say 'see it'. We tell you no, that you need to wait until we're home and you can put it in your piggy bank. Given the clang the inevitable piggy bank shake makes, I'm fairly certain you have more money than me. 

xo, Mama
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