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Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Quinn at 23 months

Late again.
Story of my life.


Just like I said last month, you are a talking up a storm and getting better everyday.
You can now put two, sometimes three words together.
You also now add possessives to nouns.
For instance, you'll say "Mommy's water" or "Scout's ball"


When I ask you what you want for dessert, guaranteed every time you’ll say “boobees” (blueberries).

At your school they keep a tally of how many morning snacks, lunch servings and afternoon snacks each kid has. You are consistently one of the biggest eaters in the class.


You are a master manipulator. You will use any trick in the book to delay bedtime. You want your pippers (slippers) on. You want the pippers off. You want the blankets on. You want the blankets off. You want to hold your bunny. No, wait you want to hold your monkey. You need to peepee. You need to poopoo. You want water. Please Mommy, water! Etc. etc. etc.

The past couple of weeks you haven’t fallen asleep until 8:30 or 9:00 because of all these shenanigans. Kill me now. As Daddy likes to say when he’s having a hard time, “Everyday I’m strugglin’ ” (to the tune of LMFAO’s song Everyday I’m Shufflin’)

Favourite Things
 Baby Addie is still your #1 favourite thing. You sit her on the bottom step when you leave for school and the first thing you do when we get home is to run over, give Addie a big hug and a kiss and you say "Hello Addie!". It is beyond adorable.

Last weekend you had a sleepover at Grandma and Grumpa's house. They brought you to WalMart and told you to pick any toy you wanted. What did you come home with?
A big stuffed alligator of course! Daddy is pretty happy you didn’t pick a Barbie or something really girly. You named the alligator 'Otter' and he sleeps beside your bed.

And since we're on the topic of Grumpa, I should mention that you ask him every time you see him for money. You tap his pocket, make your cutest face and he usually caves and gives you a few coins. We make you keep it in your pocket, which you'll tap occasionally and say 'see it'. We tell you no, that you need to wait until we're home and you can put it in your piggy bank. Given the clang the inevitable piggy bank shake makes, I'm fairly certain you have more money than me. 

xo, Mama
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