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Wednesday, 9 October 2013


I know I sound like a cliché, but where did the time go?
I know exactly where the time went.
It went into so many happy/stressful/rewarding/frustrating/proud days of being your mama.

In just two short years you have gone from a tiny, helpless baby to a smart, funny, creative, beautiful and independent little girl.
To watch someone grow from nothing and witness all their accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem, is the most rewarding thing I have ever experienced.
To know that I have had a part in guiding who you are now is so very humbling and although I would like time to slow down so I can savor your littleness, I can’t wait to see you grow and develop even more.

Quinn, you make me feel like I’ve won the parenting lottery every day.

Here’s to so many more wonderful years ahead Boo.

Love, Mommy


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