I'm sure you are all like "why the heck did she title this post Viper Venom" or "this is weird" and I can assure you that yes, this is weird.
I got a random call from my reproductive endocrinologist (read: fertility doc) on Saturday. He was calling with 'good news'. Some of my recent bloodwork indicates that I am positive for lupus anticoagulants. He is referring me to a hematologist for further investigation, but he seems pretty convinced my last miscarriage is a result of this issue and is positive that with treatment our pregnancy woes could finally be solved.
This is certainly good news but as I have learned, with every good comes some bad.
Bad #1 is that the hematologists (read: blood docs) in this town are busy people and getting an appointment can take a while. Great. More waiting, more testing, more uncertainty.
Bad #2 is that I googled Lupus Anticoagulant treatment. It involves daily injections of Heparin.
Fuck me.
I bet you are still wondering about why the post name is Viper Venom.
To test for 'lupus anticoagulant', the lab actually mixes your blood with viper venom.
Legit viper venom.
See, I told you this was weird.
What is lupus anticoagulant?
Long story short, it causes your blood to over clot.
In terms of pregnancy, tiny clots block the placenta from attaching to the uterine wall which causes miscarriages.
Seriously, WTF.
I had a good long cry about it last night.
Then I woke up today and decided there is no point in being sad about it.
Instead of focusing on the negatives in this situation, I should really be grateful for the positives.
Positive #1 - I'm lucky we've discovered this clotting issue and avoided scary things like strokes.
Positive #2 - I stand a really good chance of having a successful pregnancy with treatment, even if said treatment means I have to give myself needles every day.
Positive #3 - Wine makes waiting for a hematology consult a whole lot better.
Actually,wine makes everything a whole lot better.