My friend messaged me yesterday (Hi Ash!) asking if I ever read Clara Conversations on the Young House Love life blog. My answer was a resounding YES! I love hearing about all the crazy things that kiddo says and then it dawned on me that my own kid says some pretty hilarious stuff too, so why not share it with you all!
Enter Say What Now?
Enter Say What Now?
Since this idea just dawned on me now, I’m a little low on examples but here are a few standout convos that had us laughing:
Quinn: “Mawmy, look, BEANS!”
Said while pointing at rabbit poop in the backyard
Mommy: “Good job catching that frog Quinn! What is the froggy’s name?”
Quinn: “Tiny”
Mommy: “I’m going shopping , is there anything special you want me to buy you?"
Quinn: “More Grumpas” (we call my Dad Grumpa. This one had our hearts melting)
xo, Vicky