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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Just because...

I love this little girl so much it hurts.

This little girl who runs, stomps, shrieks, laughs and hangs upside-down on the play structure has my heart. Completely.
Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” - Elizabeth Stone

xo, Vicky

Monday, 27 May 2013


Oh how I love thee.
The smell of campfire, the melty, oozy deliciousness of smores, the coziness of sleeping next to a warm little baby, the taste of bacon made on the bbq.
Ahhhhh, I love me some camping.
 Apparently, so does my little lady.

Sun and fun-filled days make one little lady very sleepy:
And one happy lady when she wakes:







Oh, want to have the best smores of your life?

Make them with these cookies.

You don’t have to worry about the chocolate shifting around, you don’t have to eat graham wafers, which let’s be honest are the worst part of the smore, plus you get double chocolate! Win, win, win.

Xo, Vicky

Friday, 24 May 2013

Mission Get Rid of Bottle

Yes, for anyone judging me right now, as of last week I still gave my 19 month old child a bottle to fall asleep. Yes, I know it isn't good for her teeth.
But damn it worked so well to get her to sleep.
That is until she started waking multiple times a night wanting another bottle.

After several nights of contant waking up and some extensive googling of 'how to get my kid to sleep' at 2am, Simon and I came to the conclusion that it was time to change things up.
No more bottle for Miss Q.

I knew we were making the right decision, but I was dreading that first bottle-free night. I envisioned a huge tantrum and a frustrating ,sleepless night. But, as usual, Quinn proved me wrong. She cried a little bit and said 'Baba' about a hundred times, but she got over it within a few minutes and slept through the night.

Since then she's only woken up once in the night. It was last night and, to be honest, if acts as cute as she did last night, I don't mind the occassional wake-up.

It was 1:30am when I heard her cry. I turned on the hall light and poked my head into her room to see that she had rolled off her mattress. I went over, scooped her up and laid her back down onto her bed. She patted the empty spot beside her and said 'Mommy, Mommy'. I laid down beside her and for a few minutes and I just rubbed her belly while she stared into the dark. Then she turned over and smiled at me. It wasn't her usual goofy smile, but a genuine "I'm so glad you are here. I love you Mommy" smile, then she closed her eyes and fell asleep. It was the sweetest moment and I'll cherish it forever...

Happy Weekend
xo, Vicky

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Hallelujah for playdates!

And the award for best text message of the week goes to my lovely friend, Shelley:
Heck, yes I want to have a playdate on a week night and make dinner with my awesome friend while our babies get into trouble at our feet!
In a life full of routine, this playdate was a welcome change.
We met at the grocery store after I picked Q up from daycare. Our babies sat in the same cart. The cuteness was off the charts.
We then tried to go to a used clothing/toy sale in my neighbourhood but got lost about twenty times and gave up. It’s pretty sad when you don’t know any of the street names in your neighbourhood but your own.
When we got home, we prepped dinner while our littles played, climbed, ate popsicles and stared deeply into each other’s eyes.


The babies ate leftover spaghetti while the mamas ate chicken rice paper wraps. They managed to get spaghetti sauce in places where spaghetti sauce should never be. Shelley and I managed to stay relatively clean during our meal.
Dirty baby hands and faces were wiped down and they were set free to play while the mamas had some dessert while attempting to watch an episode of Girls. After pausing it for the hundredth time we gave up on Girls and headed outside for a little play.
We then came back inside for bath time. Spaghetti stained clothes were stripped off and two adorable bare bummed babes were dropped into the tub.
This was the only non-blurry picture taken of those two rascals:
After the bath it was playtime in Quinn’s room. They danced on the bed, got kisses from the dogs and hugged and kissed each other goodbye.
What a great night.

Thank you Shelley for being such an awesome friend and now my playdate buddy.
Xo, Vicky

Friday, 17 May 2013

Quinn at 19 months

Words this month:
Hi, bye, please, sorry, up, down, bike, ice, popsicle, bed, NO (yes I realize I wrote that in caps. You say it in caps, kid)
Oh my goodness, this month you are both fun AND frustrating. Fun because you’re talking up a storm and becoming such a little person. Frustrating because you’ve decided not to eat and you whine ALL the bleeping time.
After a particularly whiny day yesterday, you’re Dad and I looked at each other yesterday and just shook our heads. I believe we both uttered the phrase, “what do we DO with this kid?” I know it’s probably teething and it’s not your fault, but ‘dayum…
Oh here’s a doozy. The other day I thought you were coming in for a kiss but instead you chomped down on the tip of my nose and WOULD NOT let go. It seemed the more I panicked, the more you bit down. I ended up having to pry your little mouth open to free myself. Ok parenting books, how the heck do I address that conundrum?!
You’re Dad went garage sale-ing last weekend and bought you a little couch that converts into a bed. You’ve slept on it every night/nap since.
 Since it has warmed up around here, you want to be outside all the time.  Every day when we get home you run to the back door and say ‘Chee, Chee’ (translation: ‘Chase, Chase’ – the little boy who lives across the backyard from us). You are obsessed with the swing in Chase’s yard and wander over there almost every day for a ride. I think it will break you’re little heart when the new fence goes in next week.
The other night we had dinner at Gramma and Grumpa's house and then we all went for a walk to the park. The only thing you wanted to do was swing. Luckily Uncle Mitch and Auntie Lala were happy to join you.
You eat almost nothing but berries and chicken (update - you would also eat an entire meatpie if you had the chance). I don’t know if this is also a symptom of teething or what, but you just won’t eat. You do chug milk like a champ, so at least we’ve got a few food groups covered.
You are still completely smitten with Baby Addie, Teddy and now Elmo. Your cousin Sadie gave you her Elmo last month and you've been inseparable ever since. Every day on the way home from daycare you'll suddenly remember them and start calling out their names. Immediately after your bath when I'm putting on your nighttime diaper and jammies, your little trio of babies need to there. And then there's role call when I'm tucking you in to make sure they are all accounted for and in position beside you.  
Best buds:
You love to come in the shower with Daddy or I. You’ll sit on the floor and fill cups with or play with your cars, but once you’ve had enough you ask to come up for a cuddle. We pick you up and we cuddle under the stream of water. In general you’ve gotten much cuddlier and let me tell you, there is nothin’ better in this world than toddler cuddles. Sometimes when you wake up in the night, you’ll call for me and I’ll pick up your sleepy little body, carry you to the glider and just rock you back to sleep. Those moments are my favorite.
You still like brushing your teeth and you’ll yell at me if I forget to put the lid back on the toothpaste. You literally will not let me brush your teeth if it’s not put back on.
 While I blow dry your hair, you like to look at a book. You especially love looking at the back cover of your Golden Books. When I ask you to point to a certain animal, out you almost point out the right ones.
You’ve been sleeping pretty well these days and only occasionally wake up in the night if you’ve rolled off your mattress or couch. You've proven yourself to be a very ‘active’ sleeper and you get yourself into the strangest positions.
Most mornings Daddy finds you like this:

Oh my goodness, those toes. I could eat them up.
xo, Mommy

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Mother's Day

I hope all you Mommies out there had a wonderful Mother's Day this past weekend.
Although the weather over here wasn't ideal, we had a great day together.
I was treated to my favorite doughnut in bed by this special little lady
I ate a delicious breakfast made by my awesome hubs

AND I got to spend time with my mom, my grandmother and my mother-in-law.
As an added bonus, I've been promised a full day at the spa, redeemable whenever I want. YAY!
Man, I love these two...
xo, Vicky

Friday, 10 May 2013

Remind me why I had a kid?

With a pot of steaming rice and a frying pan full of stirfry cooking away on the stove, I glanced down to check on Quinn when I witnessed a darling scene of puppy loving. Quinn was giggling, Scout was licking her and the whole thing was just precious; that is until I realized why Quinn was laughing. I had turned my head to stir the veggies and when I looked back down I almost puked. I saw Quinn pulling her hand from the back of her diaper and letting Scout eat the poop dangling from her fingers.
All I could think in that moment was "what has my life come to?"
I should also mention that prior to this incident I had to clean up a deck of cards that had been thrown about the living room and deal with a full-out tantrum because she wanted the little chicken decorations I still had up since Easter. I finally just let her have them and within two seconds she had dismembered them and tossed them aside. RIP funny chicken decorations.
Sometimes in moments of pure toddler chaos I have to tell myself over and over to just hang in there.
"Hurricane Quinn will die down soon."
"You can DO this."
 "Keep your cool."
"She'll only be little once."
"So what if she trashes the house on an hourly basis."
I can normally stay calm but when actual shit enters the picture, you could say my patience wavers.

If she wants to feed the dog her shit, you better believe she's going to get her own change pad and help me clean it up.
Remind me again why I signed up for this kid thing?
Ok I remember now.
xo, Vicky

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Floor bed update

Since Quinn has been sleeping in her new 'bed' for a week now, I thought I'd give you all an update on how its going; and I'll sum it all up with two pictures:

This is how Simon found her this morning. What a monkey.
 She's hasn't gotten the hang of it yet, but we're working on it.
She IS sleeping through the night (thank you baby jesus) which is an improvement from when she was in her crib but we need to somehow keep this kid ON the mattress.
One of the best parts of my morning is getting a Quinn update and photo from Simon. Since I get to work super early (today I got to work at 6am - shoot me) I don't get to see Quinn in the morning at all; but Simon makes sure to fill me in on all her shenanigans.
 Yesterday, I received this text and photo from Simon:
Simon: "Uh Oh"
(Apparently she got her hands, quite literally, on an ink pad?)
Last week I got these:
Me: "Best $3 ever spent:"
Simon: "Until she started eating them"

Simon: "Eating banana like a boss"

Simon: "Smiles for mommy"
Oh I love them!
xo, Vicky

Monday, 6 May 2013

New beds for all !

Happy Belated Merry Christmas to Me!
Simon finally got around to making my Christmas present.
Dun dun na na!
Isn't she a beaut'?
It feels like I'm staying at a luxury hotel every night.
She's not 100% done yet; we still have to add some bling bling to it in the form of nailhead trim, but I must say I'm rather pleased with our handiwork.
You may also have spied a few other little beauties.
We FINALLY found some bedside tables! When we first placed them beside the bed I initially thought they were too tall but having lived with them for a few days, I kind of like them as is. Now I just need to find some pretty lamps and we'll move on to the next room.

Somebody else got a new bed recently.
And by new bed I mean Simon dismantled her crib and she now sleeps on her mattress on the floor. This is the only decent photo I've gotten of Quinn on her new bed. Let's call it a work in progress.

I've been doing a lot of reading up on the benefits of floor beds and was sold on it when we visited Simon's cousin this past weekend who's little girl has one. Not only is it adorable, but it will also give Quinn some independence and hopefully the ability to put herself to sleep. Not to get too technical, but I think this quote sums it up pretty well:

The Human Tendency for exploration is fully satisfied when providing a low bed for the child instead of a crib. Human beings have a natural tendency to explore the environment and to gain knowledge from it. By allowing the child to experience his environment in this manner, he will be able to understand all of its components and will be comfortable and at ease when alone in his room. From all of this activity, the child will then become better acquainted with the world in which he lives, and will arrive at the end of this process of self-construction. If we know that the process of self-construction in the child can only take place through the exploration of the environment, then this process is crucial. The child must be able to explore the environment in order to become adapted to his place and time. The child from zero to three explores the environment through the senses, but mostly through movement. By giving the child the opportunity to experience the low bed, he will benefit immensely. Not only will the child learn to function on his own, but this exposure to his environment will aid him in the development of independence, concentration, movement, self-esteem, and decision-making, leading to a healthy, well-adjusted child later on in life. 
(Julie Stanford - mariamontessori.com)
If that hasn't sold you, then take a look at these adorable Montessori-inspired rooms:
 How cute?!
Happy Monday :)
xo, Vicky 

Friday, 3 May 2013


It’s been a while since I posted and I really don’t have an excuse other than to say that life is good and I’ve been busy. Summer has finally started showing its face and we’ve been busy enjoying time outside in the sun. We also had a little road trip to Toronto this past weekend to visit family and had such a great time catching up and watching our kiddos play.
Anyways, I thought I’d catch you up on our, dare I say adventure, to having baby #2. Way back at the beginning of April, I had my hysterosonogram appointment and it went well. The procedure took all of one minute and in a lucky twist of fate, my doctor just happened to be on call to do it. When he had finished up, he asked when my follow-up appointment to review all the test results had been scheduled and I replied that it wasn’t until May. He then told me I was his last appointment of the day and that he’d review our results and give me a preliminary report right then and there. Score! As he was looking over our blood work results, he suddenly stopped and said, “I think I have good news for you. It looks like your problem may be your thyroid.” I knew my thyroid had been off before but I didn’t think it was ‘the’ reason I couldn’t maintain a pregnancy. The ‘normal’ range for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is between .03 and 3. Mine is 8. The higher the TSH, the lower your thyroid is. Confusing, right? Let me take a moment to explain.
Hypothyroidism is a condition when your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones. The pituitary gland produces a hormone called TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) that signals your thyroid gland to produce T3 and T4 hormones. When your body isn’t getting the necessary T3 and T4 hormones the pituitary gland needs to sends out high amounts of TSH to stimulate the thyroid gland. Clear as mud? During pregnancy, the embryo/fetus relies solely on the mother for thyroid hormones so the mother’s body needs to produce more than the usual amount of hormones to supply both herself and her baby. Women who have hypothyroidism and become pregnant run the risk of miscarriage, preterm labour, pre-eclampsia and birth defects. Yikes. 
My doctor suspects that my miscarriages were likely due to low thyroid and he wrote me a prescription for Synthroid 0.75mg. I’ll have my thyroid retested at my follow-up appointment to see if my thyroid is regulated at that dose of if it needs to be readjusted. I will need to take thyroid hormone replacement for the rest of my life. It’s not really a big deal; just one tiny blue pill every morning. I don’t want to get my hopes up but I can’t help but be excited for my follow-up on May 14th. Mentally I’m ready to try again I just hope my body is physically ready too. 
While I try to stay positive about the whole thing, I find myself sometimes thinking ‘what if’. What if I hadn’t miscarried back in September? I would be getting ready to meet my new baby. I would be feeling my baby’s kicks. I would be folding tiny sleepers and packing my hospital bag. I know I shouldn’t live in a world of what ifs; that in the grand scheme of things it wasn’t my time for another baby, but I can’t help that my mind slips there from time to time. My doctor assures me that I’ll have another baby and that he’ll find a solution. I’m hopeful he will but in the meantime I’ll enjoy the baby I have; my sweet, mischievous, independent and lovely baby girl.

xo, Vicky
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