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Friday, 10 May 2013

Remind me why I had a kid?

With a pot of steaming rice and a frying pan full of stirfry cooking away on the stove, I glanced down to check on Quinn when I witnessed a darling scene of puppy loving. Quinn was giggling, Scout was licking her and the whole thing was just precious; that is until I realized why Quinn was laughing. I had turned my head to stir the veggies and when I looked back down I almost puked. I saw Quinn pulling her hand from the back of her diaper and letting Scout eat the poop dangling from her fingers.
All I could think in that moment was "what has my life come to?"
I should also mention that prior to this incident I had to clean up a deck of cards that had been thrown about the living room and deal with a full-out tantrum because she wanted the little chicken decorations I still had up since Easter. I finally just let her have them and within two seconds she had dismembered them and tossed them aside. RIP funny chicken decorations.
Sometimes in moments of pure toddler chaos I have to tell myself over and over to just hang in there.
"Hurricane Quinn will die down soon."
"You can DO this."
 "Keep your cool."
"She'll only be little once."
"So what if she trashes the house on an hourly basis."
I can normally stay calm but when actual shit enters the picture, you could say my patience wavers.

If she wants to feed the dog her shit, you better believe she's going to get her own change pad and help me clean it up.
Remind me again why I signed up for this kid thing?
Ok I remember now.
xo, Vicky
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