Yes, for anyone judging me right now, as of last week I still gave my 19 month old child a bottle to fall asleep. Yes, I know it isn't good for her teeth.
But damn it worked so well to get her to sleep.
That is until she started waking multiple times a night wanting another bottle.
After several nights of contant waking up and some extensive googling of 'how to get my kid to sleep' at 2am, Simon and I came to the conclusion that it was time to change things up.
No more bottle for Miss Q.
I knew we were making the right decision, but I was dreading that first bottle-free night. I envisioned a huge tantrum and a frustrating ,sleepless night. But, as usual, Quinn proved me wrong. She cried a little bit and said 'Baba' about a hundred times, but she got over it within a few minutes and slept through the night.
Since then she's only woken up once in the night. It was last night and, to be honest, if acts as cute as she did last night, I don't mind the occassional wake-up.
It was 1:30am when I heard her cry. I turned on the hall light and poked my head into her room to see that she had rolled off her mattress. I went over, scooped her up and laid her back down onto her bed. She patted the empty spot beside her and said 'Mommy, Mommy'. I laid down beside her and for a few minutes and I just rubbed her belly while she stared into the dark. Then she turned over and smiled at me. It wasn't her usual goofy smile, but a genuine "I'm so glad you are here. I love you Mommy" smile, then she closed her eyes and fell asleep. It was the sweetest moment and I'll cherish it forever...
Happy Weekend
xo, Vicky