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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Quinn at 17 months

If I could describe you in two words right now, they would be these: strong willed
It’s your way or the highway (aka tantrum)
You know where your eyes, nose, mouth, ears, head, hair, belly and belly button are. You can say the word eyes and regularly point out the dog’s eyes, much to their dismay.
You love reading the book “The Monster At the End of this Book
You love turning your music on and especially love turning the volume up wayyy too loud
You love the song “Down By the Bay” by Raffi – it always gets you dancing
You sometimes have full conversations with yourself in the car. We have no idea what you are saying.
You love taking your socks off
You still sleep with Baby Addie (your Cabbage Patch doll) and Glowworm. You love playing with Baby Addie’s hair while you fall asleep. Baby Addie now has dreadlocks.
Sometimes you take Baby Addie out of your crib to play and when it’s time for bed we have to go on a hunt to find her. I’ll say “Oh no, silly Addie is hiding” and you laugh and laugh.
This month you decided you like tomatoes.
Your favorite meal is Chicken Divan. It’s the only way we can get you to eat broccoli.
You also love blueberries, strawberries, bananas, oranges, crackers, yogurt, Daddy’s yogurt popsicles and chicken.
You give the best squeezy hugs
When you say goodbye, you always blow kisses
You have started putting your face in the water while having your bath. You think it’s pretty funny.

You just learned how to say ‘turtle’ but it sounds like ‘toytoe’. It’s the cutest thing ever. We make you say it a lot.

You learned how to climb up onto the couch and are very proud of yourself.

You love to cuddle up with Mommy and Daddy on the couch and read books. We love it too.

You don’t like unsolicited help
You don’t like poop, especially when it miraculously appears while you are in the bathtub.
We have started talking about poo poo and pee pee and how they belong in the potty. You know how to say the word poo poo and you have a very concerned look on your face when you say it.
We’ve sat you on the potty and told you to push which you do but we haven’t done an actual poo poo in the potty yet.
When we take you off the potty, you know to shut the lid and flush the toilet.
The other day you made sure to let Daddy and I know that one of the dogs did their business in your room. You came and got me and brought me to the scene of the crime yelling “poo poo”.
You get scared when you toot in the tub because you think it means you are pooping.
You are such a little character.
I always think I can't love you more but then you do something new and I fall for you all over again.
This quote is so very accurate:
"For you see, each day I love you more
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow"
Rosemonde Gerard

xo, Mama
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