When my hubs gets excited about a project, he gets really, really, really excited. It consumes him completely. When I casually sent him this link about a kitchen bench I didn't really think he'd be down with a new project. I was wrong. Very wrong. Since I planted that tiny little seed into his mind, he's measured the area in our kitchen about twenty times, researched Ikea cabinets, decided on a cabinet and was asking me what fabric we should use for the cushion this morning at breakfast.
Good lord man! Don't you have a Master's thesis to work on or something?!
I really shouldn't complain though.
Its actually pretty adorable that he's into home projects now.
I found the inspiration photo above over at Little House Blog. Not only is the bench functional as a seat but also has a ton of storage as well. I'm picturing tablecloths, placemats, dogs paraphernalia and kiddo stuff being stashed away in there. The hardest part about the project is not the bench itself but the cushion topper. Looks like I finally get to put the sewing machine I got for Christmas to good use!
This is where we are at so far:
The cabinets have been purchased and assembled and Simon is just starting to figure out how to build the bottom frame.
And because this is my domain and I am allowed to say whatever I darn well want, I just want to declare that I was adamantly against the wine rack you see at the right of the photo. While I busy keeping Quinn happy at Ikea, Simon busy was sneaking the wine rack onto our order.
Toddler + toddler-height wine rack + wine bottles + ceramic floors = TROUBLE.
Aside from the wine rack I am super pumped!
Let the fabric shopping begin!
xo, Vicky