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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Quinn at 16 months

My dear, you are a handful this month.

You love testing boundaries and become very frustrated when things don’t go your way.

You know what you want and can’t understand why Mommy and Daddy would say no to you climbing inside the dishwasher.

You are trying very hard to say new words and are very proud of yourself when you say one.

I swear you said the word ‘purple’ yesterday.

Words you say regularly:
Mimmy (translation: Mommy)
Diddy (translation Daddy)
Memememe (translation: I want that)
Uh oh
Pupup (translation: puppies)

You demand to wear your spring coat and running shoes every day in the house. 

You refuse to eat any and all vegetables we give you and instead feast on meat and fruits.

You will go into your drawer in the kitchen, pull out a sippy cup AND lid, bring those over to the fridge lift them up towards the water dispenser and yell mememememe! 

You are becoming much cuddlier by the day and give out kisses and hugs all the time (to people and puppies)

We have a game where we throw a pillow on the ground and cuddle together. If you walk by a pillow you always flop yourself on it and then call out to me to join you. Sometimes you’ll go get a book and bring it back for us to look at together. 

You still love the bath and like to lie on your back and splash away. You also love the thrill of going under the water.

You love brushing your teeth especially now that I bought you some all natural cranberry toothpaste. I help with the back teeth but you are pretty good at doing the front ones.

You are beginning to let us know when your diaper is dirty. You will pat your bum and then walk to the stairs and shout ‘memememe’. I will ask you if you would like your diaper changed and you nod ‘yes’. 

When I picked you up from daycare yesterday, I was informed that at lunch you put your hand down your pants and got poop everywhere. Lovely. You are now on a strict onesie-only wardrobe for daycare until your fascination with putting your hands down your diaper stops. 

I can sense that you are eager for nicer weather so you can play freely outside (aren't we all!). I know you don’t like wearing your snowsuit that much so playing outside in the winter is not really your thing. I promise you can run around nakie all you want in the summer.
And lastly, you hate having dirty hands and feet. You love to help me feed the dogs but hate having kibble dust on your hands. You will walk over to me with your hands out and ask to have your hands washed. If you step on lint or other debris (let's be honest theres a whole lot of 'debris' on my floors) you will sit down and meticulously pick it off.
You are soooo trouble but you are so amazing.
xo, Vicky (aka Mama/Mimmy)

Thursday, 21 February 2013

News flash

In random news, I found an article today called 80 Totally Awesome Things from the 80s.
It's worth scrolling through and watching the videos and commercials if you are looking for a trip to the good old days.
I think I owned just about all of those toys.
I miss being a kid.
A kid from the 80s.
Who remembers Reading Rainbow?
When this show came on my sister and I used to go apeshit.
 In food news, I made creme brulee on Tuesday night. I used this recipe. It was runny and since I don't own a blow torch I had to use my oven broiler so the the top wasn't caramelized properly, but it was delicious. I planned to take a photo of the final product but by the time they were finally done (you have to cook and cool them twice!) I went caveman on it.
No photographic evidence.  
I love me some creme brulee.
In Quinn news, she likes having showers. I find that some nights blow by and we run out of time for a bath. On those occassions, Simon will take Quinn into the shower with him the next morning and she LOVES it. Her favorite part (according to Simon) is at the end when they have a cuddle. Simon holds her and lets he water spray down on her back. Adorbs.
In baby-making news, I had a full medical checkup at my regular doctor's and apparently I'm healthy. Everything checked out which is both good to hear but also kind of bad . I'm happy that everything is working as it should but that only makes the situation of not keeping a pregnancy that much more of a mystery.

In house news, I found this bedroom photo and although it doesn't show the whole room, I love the layout. Our bedroom is kind of laid out like that right now minus the pretty headboard, nightstands, armchairs, etc. I think this photo will serve as the inspiration for our bedroom furniture layout down the road.

And in music news, nothing makes a crappy day better than listening to Huey Lewis and the News.

And that's all I have for today.
xo, Vicky

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

On parenting


When I was pregnant with Quinn I thought only about caring for a baby. An infant. I only really thought about my immediate future and not so much about the years ahead. I think my reasoning was that becoming a parent is such an overwhelming thing that it is best dealt with a little at a time. Well, looking back I think I probably could have prepared a little more. And by prepared I mean look into what kind of parent I wanted to be.

Now that Quinn is sixteen months (crazy, I know!) I feel unprepared for parenting her. I feel like every time she does something bad I have no idea how to react. When she does something good I don't know what to say other than 'good job'. I feel lost, confused and a little worried. Lost and confused because there are SO many parenting styles that I'm not sure which to choose. And worried because I know the choices we make today makes an impact on Quinn's tomorrows. No pressure or anything.  

While perusing some of the blogs I frequent, it seems many moms feel exactly the same way I do. But then you come across some moms who know their shit. 

How We Montessori is a blog written by a mom with two young boys. Her oldest son attends a Montessori school and she has incorporated montessori teaching into her own home. Montessori is a way of teaching children that bases learning on letting kids be free to explore and do things on their own. She links to a blog which better explains the Montessori method and is a great resource for creating a Montessori environment in your own home. After reading How We Montessori and At Home With Montessori, I could see how making some changes to how we do things around Casa Baldwin could have a positive effect not only on Quinn but also on us parents.

I've noticed recently that Quinn gets frustrated when Simon or I try to help her with things. Sometimes we are in a rush and will shovel food into her mouth or quickly dress her and rush out the door, but overall we need to learn to slow down and let her help herself. I can see how incorporating Montessori methods in our home could make a big difference with Quinn so I think we'll give some of the ideas a shot. 
xo , Vicky 

Monday, 18 February 2013

My Strange Addiction

Eating couches. Yep, I am addicted to eating couches. 
Had you going right? Did anyone catch that episode of My Strange Addiction where someone was ‘legit’ addicted to eating their couch? The world is a strange, strange place.

While my addiction is far less weird than couch eating, it still has me wrapped around its little ceramic handle.



Warm, rich, delicious coffee. It is the first thing that pops into my mind when I wake up and I don’t feel ready to start my day without it. My morning drives to work are enjoyable thanks to my cup a joe and Saturday mornings are the best when the sun is shining through my bedroom window and I have a cup of steaming coffee in hand. 

Sounds pretty rad right? 

Well, according to my new baby bible caffeine is the devil and needs to be completely eliminated from my life. Annd a tiny piece of my soul just died. *sob

All dramatics aside, I have kicked my coffee addiction in the past. I managed to abstain from caffeine throughout my entire pregnancy with Quinn and well into her first year so she wasn’t chugging a bunch of caffeine via the boob. Once Quinn weaned herself off breast milk, I indulged in the occasional cup of coffee, but I really got back into when I returned to work. Everybody is slurping on the stuff at work and now I’m a full-out addict.  

 You may remember me blubbering last week about being sick. WELL, on Thursday I was in the throes of cough and cold hell AND was also struggling with this all-consuming headache. It didn’t matter what drugs I took, this headache would not go away. It wasn’t until later in the day that I realized where this mystery death-headache came from. I had been too lazy to have my morning cup of coffee which caused my body to go into full-on withdrawal hangover. It was awful and I was dying for relief so I had a coffee and low and behold I was miraculously healed.

It’s pretty scary to think coffee has this kind of effect on me. No wonder the bible says I need to get rid of it. Looks like I just need to devote a good day or two to a raging headache and hopefully that will be the end of it. So, I am officially giving myself an end date for caffeine. As of Monday, February 25th I will be caffeine free. Simon has no idea what he’s in for next weekend. Poor guy. 

Xo, Vicky

Friday, 15 February 2013

Finally Friday

Oh mannn am I ever glad to see Friday. This week has sucked. I had an ultrasound on Tuesday to confirm my latest miscarriage (fun times) and then I was crazy sick for the past two days and am still feeling like c.r.a.p.
One positive thing that happened this week was celebrating my Daddio's 55th birthday. We went to a local italian restaurant (Porto A Casa for any of you Barrhavenites) and indulged in some seriously tasty food.
Believe it or not this was the best picture I took of Quinn that night. It is becoming increasingly difficult to photograph this kid because she is CONSTANTLY moving around and generally being uncooperative.
But I still love her because just look at that face.
This weekend will be spent relaxing, recovering and keeping kiddo entertained. Oh and reading this book. I just ordered it and am looking forward to getting my body back on track.
I can't wait.
xo, Vicky

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Sickie Ickie

I'm siccckkkkk. 
And not in the gangster, cool way. 
In the mucousy, coughy, unattractive way. 
This morning I woke up sounding like Morgan Freeman. 
No joke. 

Simon is also sick so we are both home from work today. Quinn went to daycare so she wouldn't have to endure a day of napping, moaning and complaining. Oh, and a marathon of Lost; the only silver lining about being home sick today. 

That's about all this sickie can muster today. 

If you too are home sick, I suggest you go here and make yourself feel better. 

xo, Vicky

Friday, 8 February 2013

Giggle Pops

Ever since she was a teeny-weeny baby, Quinn has ALWAYS gotten hiccups after a big, hearty belly laugh. I LOVE hearing those hiccups.

So, since its a gloomy, snowy Friday over here and I'm lacking all forms of motivation, I thought I would share a few videos of my baby playing in her crooked diaper and laughing to the point of hiccups.
It brightened my day and now hopefully yours too.

Happy Weekend!
xo, Vicky

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Cupcakes for Two

Two posts in one day?! I know, I know but since my first post was baby related I thought I should also share something non-baby.
This was my breakfast this morning.
I wish I was joking.
Scratch that.
It was awesome.
Anyone who knows me, like REALLY knows me is aware of my LOVE of cake.
And not just any old cake either.
Birthday Cake.
Vanilla birthday cake with vanilla buttercream.
I die.

At least once a month I get an overwhelming craving for birthday cake and will bake up a big batch of cupcakes only to eat about five and then want to projective vomit.
What a predicament!
Well, I found the answer to my problems while perusing Pinterest.
This recipe makes two regular sized cupcakes OR my favorite, six mini cupcakes.
One Bowl Vanilla Cupcakes for Two
serves 2
1 egg white
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla (yes, a full teaspoon – they are super vanilla-y!)
1/4 cup flour
1/4 heaping teaspoon of baking powder
pinch of salt
1 1/2 tablespoons milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a muffin pan with 2 liners.

In a bowl, add egg white and sugar and whisk until combined. Add in vanilla and melted butter and stir until mixed. Add flour, baking powder and salt and stir until smooth. Stir in milk. Divide batter equally between the 2 cupcake liners.

Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes, or until cake is set. Let cool completely, then frost as desired.

Recipe courtesy of the geniuses over at How Sweet It Is

I know, life changing right?
xo, Vicky 

Lost in abbreviation?

This is what I look like when trying to read baby/pregnancy/infertility message boards.
Step One - Find an interesting board
Step Two - Try desperately to determine what BFP, OPK, CD mean
Step Three - Give up in a fit of rage

If you are anything like me, you know how difficult navigating your way through baby/pregnancy/infertility message boards can be. When I first started frequenting the boards, I could barely understand what these women were saying.
Why you might ask?
Let me give you an example:

"Hey, I'm joining the TWW. I got my first "smiley" on my Clear Blue digital OPK this afternoon. I'm right on time - CD 16. I will O tomorrow, CD 17. I have a 13-day LP, so my next period will be due 2/17.

I'm fresh off early MC #2 in 5 cycles. My OB ran a series of tests, did an internal exam, and ultrasound - nothing, nadda, I'm normal. The ultrasound did, however, show over 20 follicles in my ovaries getting ready (that was a week ago). So I'm really hoping that at least 1 of those little guys does me right this cycle! We shall see.

I'm planning on testing first on Valentine's (my due date with my twins) which will be 11 DPO. I've always gotten BFPs at 9 DPO anyway. It'd be a nice way to celebrate that day :)

GL to all!!"

What the what?

Ok here’s the translation: 
"Hey, I’m joining the Two Week Wait. I got my first “smiley” (meaning positive) on my Clear Blue digital ovulation predictor kit this afternoon. I’m right on time – cycle day 16. I will ovulate tomorrow, cycle day 17. I have a 13-day luteal phase, so my next period will be due 2/17. 
I’m fresh off early miscarriage #2 in 5 cycles. My obstetrician ran a series of tests, did an internal exam, and ultrasound – nothing, nadda, I’m normal. The ultrasound did, however, show over 20 follicles in my ovaries getting ready (that was a week ago). So I'm really hoping that at least 1 of those little guys does me right this cycle! We shall see.

I'm planning on testing first on Valentine's (my due date with my twins) which will be 11 days past ovulation. I've always gotten big fat positives at 9 days past ovulation anyway. It'd be a nice way to celebrate that day :)

Good luck to all!!"


Make sense now?

To make things easy for anyone who finds themselves lost in translation, here is a quick list of commonly used abbreviations in the land of baby/pregnancy/infertility message boards:

What they mean
Aunt Flo — menstruation/period
attachment parenting
Internet bulletin board
be back later
basal body temperature
because, or birth control, or before children
birth control pills
baby dance (sex)
breastfeed, or boyfriend
big fat negative (pregnancy test)
big fat positive (pregnancy test)
breast milk, or bowel movement
be right back
been there, done that
by the way
cycle day
cervical fluid
cry it out
cervical mucus
see what I mean
CS or C/S
cesarean section
daycare, dear child
dear daughter
dear fiancee
dear husband
dear partner
days past ovulation
dear son
dear stepdaughter
dear stepson
do the deed
dear wife
extended breastfeeding, exclusively breastfeeding
expressed breast milk
estimated due date, or expected date of delivery
egg white cervical mucus
formula feeding
full time
first time mom
for the record
for what it's worth
for your information
home pregnancy test
hope this helps
incompetent cervix
in my humble opinion
in my opinion
in real life
I totally agree
intrauterine insemination
in vitro fertilization
JJ or J/J
just joking
JK or J/K
just kidding
just my humble opinion, or just my honest opinion
know what I mean
labor and delivery
little one
laughing out loud
luteal phase
MC or M/C
maternity leave
mother's milk
mind your own business
not my style
not my style at all
no problem
oh my gosh, or oh my god
original poster
ovulation predictor kit
off topic
pregnant, or pregnancy
pee on a stick (i.e. pregnancy test)
previous poster
postpartum depression
reproductive endocrinologist
rolling on floor laughing
stay-at-home dad
stay-at-home mom
stay-at-home parent
sperm donor
significant other
thanks in advance
too much information
trying to conceive
US or U/S
vaginal birth after cesarean section
work at home
work out of the home

Hope this helps anyone lost in the jungle of baby message board abbreviations!
xo, Vicky
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