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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Quinn at 16 months

My dear, you are a handful this month.

You love testing boundaries and become very frustrated when things don’t go your way.

You know what you want and can’t understand why Mommy and Daddy would say no to you climbing inside the dishwasher.

You are trying very hard to say new words and are very proud of yourself when you say one.

I swear you said the word ‘purple’ yesterday.

Words you say regularly:
Mimmy (translation: Mommy)
Diddy (translation Daddy)
Memememe (translation: I want that)
Uh oh
Pupup (translation: puppies)

You demand to wear your spring coat and running shoes every day in the house. 

You refuse to eat any and all vegetables we give you and instead feast on meat and fruits.

You will go into your drawer in the kitchen, pull out a sippy cup AND lid, bring those over to the fridge lift them up towards the water dispenser and yell mememememe! 

You are becoming much cuddlier by the day and give out kisses and hugs all the time (to people and puppies)

We have a game where we throw a pillow on the ground and cuddle together. If you walk by a pillow you always flop yourself on it and then call out to me to join you. Sometimes you’ll go get a book and bring it back for us to look at together. 

You still love the bath and like to lie on your back and splash away. You also love the thrill of going under the water.

You love brushing your teeth especially now that I bought you some all natural cranberry toothpaste. I help with the back teeth but you are pretty good at doing the front ones.

You are beginning to let us know when your diaper is dirty. You will pat your bum and then walk to the stairs and shout ‘memememe’. I will ask you if you would like your diaper changed and you nod ‘yes’. 

When I picked you up from daycare yesterday, I was informed that at lunch you put your hand down your pants and got poop everywhere. Lovely. You are now on a strict onesie-only wardrobe for daycare until your fascination with putting your hands down your diaper stops. 

I can sense that you are eager for nicer weather so you can play freely outside (aren't we all!). I know you don’t like wearing your snowsuit that much so playing outside in the winter is not really your thing. I promise you can run around nakie all you want in the summer.
And lastly, you hate having dirty hands and feet. You love to help me feed the dogs but hate having kibble dust on your hands. You will walk over to me with your hands out and ask to have your hands washed. If you step on lint or other debris (let's be honest theres a whole lot of 'debris' on my floors) you will sit down and meticulously pick it off.
You are soooo trouble but you are so amazing.
xo, Vicky (aka Mama/Mimmy)

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