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Monday, 18 February 2013

My Strange Addiction

Eating couches. Yep, I am addicted to eating couches. 
Had you going right? Did anyone catch that episode of My Strange Addiction where someone was ‘legit’ addicted to eating their couch? The world is a strange, strange place.

While my addiction is far less weird than couch eating, it still has me wrapped around its little ceramic handle.



Warm, rich, delicious coffee. It is the first thing that pops into my mind when I wake up and I don’t feel ready to start my day without it. My morning drives to work are enjoyable thanks to my cup a joe and Saturday mornings are the best when the sun is shining through my bedroom window and I have a cup of steaming coffee in hand. 

Sounds pretty rad right? 

Well, according to my new baby bible caffeine is the devil and needs to be completely eliminated from my life. Annd a tiny piece of my soul just died. *sob

All dramatics aside, I have kicked my coffee addiction in the past. I managed to abstain from caffeine throughout my entire pregnancy with Quinn and well into her first year so she wasn’t chugging a bunch of caffeine via the boob. Once Quinn weaned herself off breast milk, I indulged in the occasional cup of coffee, but I really got back into when I returned to work. Everybody is slurping on the stuff at work and now I’m a full-out addict.  

 You may remember me blubbering last week about being sick. WELL, on Thursday I was in the throes of cough and cold hell AND was also struggling with this all-consuming headache. It didn’t matter what drugs I took, this headache would not go away. It wasn’t until later in the day that I realized where this mystery death-headache came from. I had been too lazy to have my morning cup of coffee which caused my body to go into full-on withdrawal hangover. It was awful and I was dying for relief so I had a coffee and low and behold I was miraculously healed.

It’s pretty scary to think coffee has this kind of effect on me. No wonder the bible says I need to get rid of it. Looks like I just need to devote a good day or two to a raging headache and hopefully that will be the end of it. So, I am officially giving myself an end date for caffeine. As of Monday, February 25th I will be caffeine free. Simon has no idea what he’s in for next weekend. Poor guy. 

Xo, Vicky


Ashley said...

Ohh caffeine, it's a love hate relationship over here. I go for unpredictable amounts. Like one week every day a d the next only twice. That way I tell myself that I am not dependent, yep not dependent.

Unknown said...

Smart thinking! I wish that method could work for me. Instead its headache city over here if I miss one stupid cup. This week I've been weaning myself off by slowly reducing the amount of full caff with decaf. Hopefully by Monday I'll be in the clear...

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