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Saturday, 29 December 2012

Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! 
Now that the craziness of everything has calmed down I finally have a chance to check in to the blog world! Hurrah!

Christmas has come and gone at our house. We've already taken our tree down and packed away all the decorations. I was sick of everything being stuck with pine needles (including my feet). Scrooge, I know. 

Our Christmas was AWESOME, but that's not what I've come to talk about today. I will at some point, but today I'd rather share some other AWESOME things with you. 

I call this game the "This is AWESOME you should": 


Went to Milestones for dinner on Sunday and had the Red Curry Chicken Bowl. 
I have craved it every day since. 


Birthday Cake tea. 
You heard right, Birthday Cake. 
It has sprinkles. 


If you liked Hunger Games and liked The Walking Dead, this book is for you. 
Apocalypse, zombies, female protagonist, good read.


You like that segue? 
This series is so addictive. I love waiting to start watching shows until there are already a few seasons out. MARATHON!


I need to own this bathing suit. 
Why do I live in a place where half the year includes snow? 

Oh right.
So we can wear adorable wintery clothes and look like this:


Turrah for now
xo, Vicky

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Delicious - Almond Slices

Since Christmas is just around the corner, I thought I'd share a SUPER easy yet DELICIOUS holiday treat! Perfect for potlucks, work parties, etc. these little babies are always gobbled up.

It is my pleasure to present to you..........

Almond Slices!

It really doesn't get any easier than this recipe. 
In fact, most of you probably already have the necessary ingredients in your pantry, so there really is no excuse NOT to make these.

Here's what you need:

1 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
almond slices
graham wafer squares

Step One:

Line a 9x12' pan with graham wafer squares. You may have to break some wafers to fit into corners and edges. 

Step Two: 

Sprinkle as many almond slices on top of wafers as you like. As you can see, I like a LOT of almonds. ummmm. 

Step Three: 

Set oven to 350. Melt butter in a pot over medium heat. Add brown sugar and whisk together. Allow mixture to bubble for a few minutes then remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Alternatively, you could use almond extract instead for extra almondy slices.

Step Four:

Pour the buttery, sugary mixture over the almond covered wafers and pop into the oven until it is all bubbly (about 7 minutes)

I was distracted by a toddler with boots on her hands and left mine in longer. 
This is what happens when you do that:

Don't let this happen because take it from me, getting sugar off your oven SUCKS!

Step Five:

Cool completely and ENJOY! 

xo, Vicky

Friday, 21 December 2012

Snow Day Extraordinaire!

Ottawa was literally dumped on with snow.
30 centimetres to be exact. 
 I opted to stay home today instead of driving five hours to get to work.
Simon brought Quinn to daycare as usual so I had the day to myself. 

Did I accomplish much? 

Well if you don't count:

- blogging
- watching The Food Network
- eating Almond Slices (stay tuned for the recipe!)
- taking a ridiculously long shower followed by a bathroom dance party 

Than NO I didn't. 
But if you do, than I seriously rocked all the above items. 

It was glorious. 

For some reason when I'm showering and getting ready, there is nothing that want to hear more than gangster music. 

Before you gawk at me, let me explain. 

I DO NOT agree with ANY of the lyrics in most rap songs. But to be honest, I don't even really listen to the lyrics. My question to the world is, if rap music is so wrong, why is it so damn catchy?! 

I LOVE a good beat, so for any of you rappers reading this blog (pshhh) can you try to rap about nice things like rainbows, sunshine, candy or puppies so I can listen to it around my one year old? Thanks. 

But until that fateful day comes, I only listen to it when I'm alone in the car or at home alone in the shower. 

Here are two gems that made my mid afternoon shower/dance party pretty darn enjoyable: 

Man I wish I could dance like those ladies from TLC....

Happy End of the World!
xo, Vicky

On the day Quinn Marlowe was born - Part Two

Just tuning in? 
Catch up and read Part One.

So where did I leave off... OH YES - HORRIBLE PAIN. Right. 

Ok so I begged like a mad woman for the epidural but was told the anesthesiologist was busy in surgery and couldn't get to me for at least another half hour. 
Excuse me?
 Don't you see that I might possibly die of pain? 
I need the drugs NOW! 
I was frantic.  
It was 8:30 am.

At first I refused other pain relievers, but when the realization that the nurses were not kidding about having to wait finally sunk in, I caved. Just as I was about to put the gas piece up to my mouth, the anesthesiologist walked in. I have never been more happy to see someone in my whole life. 
She brought me over the bed and started explaining the risks involved with the epidural, blah, blah, blah. I told her I was fine with it all and to get that needle in my back stat. STAT. 
I'm a HUGE baby when it comes to needles and before I experienced labour, the thought of having gigantic needle stuck in my back made my knees shake. 
Needless to say, I'm a changed woman. 

On the pain scale, I went from 150 to 2 in half and hour. 
It was HEAVEN. 
The nurse checked me and I was at 9cm. Although my original plan was to do this thing au natural, I'm pretty proud I toughed it out to 9cm. We decided to all have a nap to recharge our batteries for pushing and allow my body to naturally ease the baby down the birth canal. 

At 1pm it was push time. 
It was a very surreal feeling to push but not really feel anything. I kept asking, "am I doing it right?" to which everyone would say, "yep, keep em coming". I think we tried every pushing position in the book, but Quinn's head did not want to pop out. 

At 3pm, a doctor I had never met before strolled in, took a look and threw some scrubs at Simon. He was going to try using forceps to guide her head out and if that didn't work it was C-section time. 

After two hours of pushing, I was in a complete daze. I only remember seeing Simon holding scrubs and thinking something was wrong. I was wheeled in the OR where twenty nurses were prepping for the 'procedure'. It felt like I was on a t.v. hospital drama. Seriously. They topped up my epidural and it was game time. I was instructed to push as hard as I could for as long as I could with each contraction. While I pushed, the doctor tried to grasp Quinn's head with the forceps. After several contractions, the doctor finally said that if the next one didn't work, Quinn would be delivered by C-section. Simon started yelling at me to push as hard as I could and thankfully it gave me the extra strength to make the last push count. 

At 3:23 pm our beautiful baby girl was born. 

xo, Vicky

Thursday, 20 December 2012


I'm not even kidding.
I had high hopes of posting Part Two of Quinn's birth story yesterday, but like most of my evenings, I spent my time chasing my kid around, dirtying dishes, cleaning dishes, doing laundry, etc. OH, but I did get my Christmas cards done. FINALLY.
 Depending on how things go tonight, I might get Part Two done. 
xo, Vicky

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

On the day Quinn Marlowe was born - Part One

Dear Quinn,
 On the day you were born, the sun was shining, turkeys were cooking, pumpkin pies were baking and everyone was reflecting on what they were thankful for.
On the day you were born, I was given my most precious gift – YOU!
I will be forever grateful to have you in my life.
Love you little turkey,
Xo Mama
On October 7th, 2011, I had my weekly obstetrical appointment at the Civic Hospital. I was 39 weeks, 5 days. My OB examined me and suggested that she perform what is known as a ‘stretch and sweep’ procedure. I won’t get into details, but let’s just say it involved both stretching and sweeping ‘down there’. Once she had finished, my doctor said she wouldn’t be surprised if she saw me in labor and delivery that weekend.
I left the office feeling crampy, but otherwise good. My grandmother had broken her hip a few weeks earlier and was hospitalized in the same hospital so we went down to the first floor for a visit. We joked that we would be seeing her later that weekend when we had our new baby girl; little did we know, we were right...
I continued feeling crampy that night and began feeling some tightening of my belly. I had been having Braxton-Hicks contractions off and on for a while so I figured that was all it was. We called our doula, Victoria and told her about the stretch and sweep. She suggested that Simon and I go out for dinner that night as it might be our last night together as a party of two. Taking her advice, we went to Lonestar for dinner (my FAV). While eating dinner, I started to notice the tightening was happening fairly often. I got out my iPhone and started tracking them on my contraction app. The timing was all over the place so we went on eating and enjoying each other’s company. I continued to track the contractions when we got home but we decided it would be best to ignore them and get some sleep.
At exactly 2:33am I was awoken by what can only be described as a karate chop, a pop and then a trickle of warm fluid. I quickly ran to the washroom and yelled at Simon to wake up. When I sat on the toilet there was a huge gush of clear fluid so I knew this was it. I was officially in labour! I remember we both just looked at each other in disbelief. This was really happening. We were going to have a baby! We called our families and doula to let them know we were on our way to the hospital.
We arrived at the hospital around 3am and waited in triage for what seemed like an eternity. At around 5am I and was assigned birthing room 12. While Simon went down to the car to get our bags, I rode through some pretty tough contractions. By 6am the contractions had gotten really painful so we called the doula and asked her to come to the hospital. Victoria arrived around 6:30am and immediately started helping me with the contractions. By around 7am I was begging to get in the bathtub.
I remember it felt marvelous. Simon and Victoria took turns aiming the shower sprayer on my lower back and belly. It was the only way I could manage the pain. I recall getting in the tub but everything after is a bit of a blurr. I can’t remember if I was in the tub for an hour or four. All I can remember is taking the contractions one at a time and thinking, “there is no way I can handle another”. The contractions were relentless, with almost no breaks. Just one after another after another. I begged for the epidural. Victoria, Simon and the nurse tried to talk me out of it and suggested other things but I was hell-bent on getting it...
Part Two tomorrow
Stay tuned!
xo, Vicky

Monday, 17 December 2012

The Great Christmas Tree Caper of 2012

Like any good caper, we started with a nice, hearty breakfast at The Marlborough, in North Gower.  With our bellies full, we loaded the little madame into the car and headed to the Thomas Christmas Tree Farm. We took a wagon ride through the fields and then began our search for the perfect Baldwin Family Christmas Tree. 

While walking and inspecting the trees,  our eyes spied 'the one'.

My hubby, you can call him Clark Griswold II, chopped her down and tied her to our car. 

She made it home safe and sound!

Quinn found Christmas Tree hunting awfully tiring...

The Before...
The After...

With the tree FINALLY up, its beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the Baldwin home.
xo, Vicky

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Friday, 14 December 2012

Santa lovin'

I think she likes him...

Scratch that. 
She LOVES him. 
At least in book form. 
We'll see how she does in 'real-life' when I get my act together and take her to see him.
Which brings me to my next point...
Remember my to-do list from yesterday? 
Number of items accomplished = 0

Quinn is home with me again today.
 It feels like I'm in that movie Groundhog Day
You know, the one where he lives the same day over and over again?
I love Bill Murray. 
So does Simon.
He begged me for this shirt for Christmas.
That was a weird tangent, no?

Anyways, I've decided to screw my to-do list and just see where life takes us today. 
Take that list. We don't need you anymore.

That's all folks. 
Happy Weekending.
xo, Vicky

A bunch of weirdos

Here's a conversation Simon and I had recently, but first please study this accompanying photo which will help to give you a better idea of the situation:

"Excuse me, but what is this horrible photo you forced me to look at?"
(That's a quote from you, in case you were wondering) 

Let me enlighten you.


Me: "Hey, what's that balancing up there on your wardrobe?"
Simon (in a serious, nothing to worry about manner): " Oh that? That's my health card."

The end.

Seems like a completely acceptable and normal place to store your health card.
I laugh hysterically every time I think about this conversation.
He cracks me up every, single day.


You may have noticed a new button in the right-hand menu
Over here ------------------------------>
Called Subscribe!!!

Yes, I am trying to peddle my blog on you. 
Pretty please, will you take it? 
What if I post a video of me doing 'Pretty Eyes' for you? 
On second thought, that would probably make you all not want to visit here anymore. Backfire.
I'll leave the pretty-eyeing to Quinn. 

Anywho, here's how it works:
Enter your e-mail address into the box. 
You will be taken to Feedburner who will ask you to confirm.
Feedburner will send you an e-mail once again confirming.
Every time a post is published, you will get it via e-mail. 
Fun, right?

xo, Vicky

Thursday, 13 December 2012

The Grape Escape

Who remembers that awesome game
Quinn learned how to escape.
The tub. 

Oh my...

Our caregiver is sick today so Little Miss Quinn is staying home with Mama Llama. YAY! 

Our plan is to:
1) Print our Christmas cards
2) Visit Santa (again... don't ask)
3) Have fun! 

xo, Vicky

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

The End of 'NaNas'

Fourteen months.
My body made milk for fourteen months.
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that boobs actually serve a purpose other than to be harnessed into the torture device we lovingly call a bra or as my Great-Nanny would say, 'brassiere'.
While my days of being Quinn's only source of nourishment ended around eight months ago, she's still wanted NaNas every now and then for a snack or a cuddle.
Now, at fourteen months, Quinn just does not have the patience to sit and breastfeed. Who can blame her when there are so many drawers and cabinets to be emptied, dogs to be chased and hugged and dog kibble to be munched.
You are probably wondering, "what the heck are NaNas?" 
NaNas is Quinn's special word for breastmilk. She came up with it all by herself. She used to point to the rocking chair in her room and say 'Na Nas' which, roughly translated from baby to English means "I want to breastfeed in our usual spot."
We've reached a point now when she no longer asks for them. She always accepts them when I offer it to her, but she only lasts a few seconds before she whines to be put down.
There were a few times when I went away with friends that I thought our breastfeeding days were numbered but when I returned she only wanted them more.
It wasn't always easy.
In fact, I hated it in the beginning. I remember watching Simon do things around the house while I was stuck breastfeeing Quinn thought it was torture. If I could go back in time (yes, I am talking about time travel again), I would give myself a good slap and tell myself to snap out of it! I WISH more than anything that I could snuggle my little newborn nugget again and watch Simon do housework and cooking.
Now that the end of Na Nas is here, I'm a little sad its over but I'm also very thankful my lady parts worked and that I was able to breastfeed my baby girl.
xo, Vicky

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Are you having a bad day?

I bet its going better than Pinky's...
I've seen this video about a hundred times but it still makes me laugh hysterically.
Pet of the week is a tough gig, Pinky. I get it.
UPDATE - I put up a bad version of the video. Check the new one out!
Exciting news... as of Wednesday, I get my husband back!!! He's been VERY busy working on his Masters of Sociology and Statistics and his final paper of the semester is due tomorrow. Yesterday he got back one of his assignments and he got 104 %. Crazy!
I am SO PROUD of him.
Happy Tuesday!
xo, Vicky 

Saturday, 8 December 2012

More Holiday Traditions

Okay so I found some more adorable traditions that I just have to share... 

1) Santa bags

Every Christmas kids have to select toys, in good condition, that they no longer play with to give back to Santa. Leave the bags on the front step on Christmas Even and he'll bring them back to the North Pole and fix them up to give to kids in need. What a great idea! This helps to get rid of unwanted toys lying around the house AND it teaches kids to give to others. Amazing. 

2) Gift wrap
Each kid get their own gift wrap. 'Santa' places a piece of their paper in the bottom of their stockings so they know which one is theirs. Adorable! Plus, no need for gift tags! 

3) New Years

Blow up some balloons and put activities in them. Write a designated time on each one and at that time during the night the kids get to pop the balloons and do the activity inside. Kudos to the bright lady who came up with this idea. Love it! 

Hope you are all having a great weekend! 
xo, Vicky

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Random Schmandom

Life threw us a curve ball this week in the form of a man flu. Simon was out of commission Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday, plus I hosted a dinner party on Friday so needless to say my house, my hopes of being productive in the Christmas department and I are one big hot mess.
I promised to write about my dinner party and I will, but be forewarned there are NO PICTURES to be had. I like to think the sign of a good night is that no one remembers to take pictures. It was that good. Haha. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but the food was ACES. I'll share the recipes later this week.
Now on to a bunch of random events from the past few days.
Quinn at breakfast / toddler shenanigans
Various methods we used to keep Quinn distracted.
Water in a cool cup proved to be the most effective.
Quinn also discovered the wonder of slinking herself under the table at restaurants.
My sister and I used to do this when we were little.
I can still taste all that delicious prechewed gum...yum.
After breakfast, Quinn played Catch Phrase
 Made a couple phonecalls
 Reorganized my magazines
Was adorable
Played soccer
And stared lovingly at the Christmas lights
Things I am loving right now:
My first Christmas present - Thanks Aunt Bunny!

This shit is DELICIOUS.
 I was sold when I read the label - "Tastes just like chocolate covered almonds".
Um, yep. In the cart it went.
That's it for now.
Happy Wednesday!
xo, Vicky
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