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Friday, 21 December 2012

On the day Quinn Marlowe was born - Part Two

Just tuning in? 
Catch up and read Part One.

So where did I leave off... OH YES - HORRIBLE PAIN. Right. 

Ok so I begged like a mad woman for the epidural but was told the anesthesiologist was busy in surgery and couldn't get to me for at least another half hour. 
Excuse me?
 Don't you see that I might possibly die of pain? 
I need the drugs NOW! 
I was frantic.  
It was 8:30 am.

At first I refused other pain relievers, but when the realization that the nurses were not kidding about having to wait finally sunk in, I caved. Just as I was about to put the gas piece up to my mouth, the anesthesiologist walked in. I have never been more happy to see someone in my whole life. 
She brought me over the bed and started explaining the risks involved with the epidural, blah, blah, blah. I told her I was fine with it all and to get that needle in my back stat. STAT. 
I'm a HUGE baby when it comes to needles and before I experienced labour, the thought of having gigantic needle stuck in my back made my knees shake. 
Needless to say, I'm a changed woman. 

On the pain scale, I went from 150 to 2 in half and hour. 
It was HEAVEN. 
The nurse checked me and I was at 9cm. Although my original plan was to do this thing au natural, I'm pretty proud I toughed it out to 9cm. We decided to all have a nap to recharge our batteries for pushing and allow my body to naturally ease the baby down the birth canal. 

At 1pm it was push time. 
It was a very surreal feeling to push but not really feel anything. I kept asking, "am I doing it right?" to which everyone would say, "yep, keep em coming". I think we tried every pushing position in the book, but Quinn's head did not want to pop out. 

At 3pm, a doctor I had never met before strolled in, took a look and threw some scrubs at Simon. He was going to try using forceps to guide her head out and if that didn't work it was C-section time. 

After two hours of pushing, I was in a complete daze. I only remember seeing Simon holding scrubs and thinking something was wrong. I was wheeled in the OR where twenty nurses were prepping for the 'procedure'. It felt like I was on a t.v. hospital drama. Seriously. They topped up my epidural and it was game time. I was instructed to push as hard as I could for as long as I could with each contraction. While I pushed, the doctor tried to grasp Quinn's head with the forceps. After several contractions, the doctor finally said that if the next one didn't work, Quinn would be delivered by C-section. Simon started yelling at me to push as hard as I could and thankfully it gave me the extra strength to make the last push count. 

At 3:23 pm our beautiful baby girl was born. 

xo, Vicky

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