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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

The End of 'NaNas'

Fourteen months.
My body made milk for fourteen months.
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that boobs actually serve a purpose other than to be harnessed into the torture device we lovingly call a bra or as my Great-Nanny would say, 'brassiere'.
While my days of being Quinn's only source of nourishment ended around eight months ago, she's still wanted NaNas every now and then for a snack or a cuddle.
Now, at fourteen months, Quinn just does not have the patience to sit and breastfeed. Who can blame her when there are so many drawers and cabinets to be emptied, dogs to be chased and hugged and dog kibble to be munched.
You are probably wondering, "what the heck are NaNas?" 
NaNas is Quinn's special word for breastmilk. She came up with it all by herself. She used to point to the rocking chair in her room and say 'Na Nas' which, roughly translated from baby to English means "I want to breastfeed in our usual spot."
We've reached a point now when she no longer asks for them. She always accepts them when I offer it to her, but she only lasts a few seconds before she whines to be put down.
There were a few times when I went away with friends that I thought our breastfeeding days were numbered but when I returned she only wanted them more.
It wasn't always easy.
In fact, I hated it in the beginning. I remember watching Simon do things around the house while I was stuck breastfeeing Quinn thought it was torture. If I could go back in time (yes, I am talking about time travel again), I would give myself a good slap and tell myself to snap out of it! I WISH more than anything that I could snuggle my little newborn nugget again and watch Simon do housework and cooking.
Now that the end of Na Nas is here, I'm a little sad its over but I'm also very thankful my lady parts worked and that I was able to breastfeed my baby girl.
xo, Vicky

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