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Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Birthday Celebrations : Part One

As mentioned previously, yesterday was an awfully special day. Our little girl turned ONE! We had a busy but amazing night celebrating with our families. Before everyone arrived we decided to hit up the pumpkin patch. In my mind no birthday in October is complete without a trip to the pumpkin patch. So off we went!

Thirty five dollars, ten pumpkins and two corn stalks later, our front steps have been carefully decorated by my amazing hubs. Pictures to follow tomorrow!
Shortly after we got home our family members started to trickle in. We ordered pizzas and I made a carrot cake topped with cream cheese icing (YUM!) My original plan was to make Quinn a healthy, no sugar, whole-wheat carrot cake… but that didn’t happen. Mommy fail. The cake I did make was not healthy by any stretch of the imagination, but I like to think it was better than just a regular old birthday cake. I mean it did have carrots, right?
How did Quinn react to the cake, you ask? Let’s let the pictures tell the tale…

I'd say she liked it :)
What about presents, you say? There certainly wasn’t a shortage of those! On Quinn’s birthday invitations I asked guests to bring children’s books inscribed with personal messages instead of cards. I thought it would be a cute way to commemorate her first birthday while also building her library.
Uncle Mitch gave Quinn his own copy of “I Am a Bunny”. Mitch LOVED that book as a little boy and would force us to read it to him at least a hundred times a day. It was a very thoughtful gift indeed.
Auntie Leesha gave Quinn a copy of “Cinderella”. This story has two special meanings –first, we’ve taken to calling Quinn ‘Quinderella’ and secondly, when Alicia was little she loved the story of Cinderella. So much so, that she used to call herself Cinderella, or Cindy for short. Leesha also gave Quinn the most adorable leopard print dress and knit sweater complete with an animal earedhood! Anyone who knows me or who has read my old blog knows I have a weakness for animal-eared apparel.
Grandma and Grumpa gave Miss Q a copy of the book “I Love you Through and Through” with a very sweet message inside. They also had another little present for her…

That’s right folks, a tiny Coach purse! Ridiculous :) Quinn crawled around with it for some time and even climbed the stairs with it on her way to bed. How adorable!
After everyone left we all splashed around in our big soaker tub and then tucked Miss Q into bed. She was exhausted and passed out almost immediately.
I think it’s safe to say her first birthday was a success! Thank you to our families for celebrating with us and making her big day so very special. <3
As this post’s title suggests, the birthday celebrations don’t end there. Heck no! Her real birthday party is this Saturday. Just a small gathering of forty or so of our closest friends and family… no big deal. :) Make sure to check in on Monday for a recap!
Well, I hope you all have a lovely day.
Thanks again for reading.
xo Vicky

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