I love weekends.
I love sleeping in. I love making big elaborate breakfasts. I love wearing my pyjamas until noon (or all day). I love spending time with family and friends.
This past weekend included all of those things.
Unfortunately the weekend also included fever and puke...
On Thursday Quinn woke up in the middle of the night feeling unusually warm. I gave her a half dose of Tylenol and put her back to bed. Friday she was off and didn't eat much at daycare. When I picked her up after work she didn't seem like her happy self and by bedtime she was worse. About an hour after we put her to bed she woke up very feverish and had a scary glazed over look about her. She ended up throwing up all over me as I rocked her. It scared the pants off me. This was the first time she'd ever been really sick.
We quickly consulted The Baby Book which told us that fevers are a normal part of childhood and that what she had was most likely due to teething. The book also told us to give her Tylenol and strip her down to try and get the fever down. So we did and thank goodness, it worked.
By the morning she was back to her usual happy self. :)
The moral of the story = teething sucks.
We started off Saturday morning with a breakfast of champions.
I made a potato, onion, pepper and cheese scramble and I must say, it was delicious.
Shortly after breakfast, Simon's dad came over with a present:
A lovely bird feeder!
Living in a new neighbourhood has many perks like new homes, new parks and new friends.
On the flip side it lacks things like wildlife.
Hopefully this new bird feeder will help attract some animal friends (of the non-racoon/skunk variety).
I'm dreaming of painting it a bright colour (like turquoise) and adding some cute shingles.
I smell a project!
Saturday night we headed over to my friend Shelley's place to celebrate her birthday.
It's funny how much can change in a couple years. Two years ago, birthdays were all about going out, getting drunk and having dance parties.
Now it's all about babies, wine and games.
I think its safe to say, Quinn is smitten with Shelley's daugher Lyla.
I highly suggest this for your next big gathering. The more people the better.
Sunday started off much the same as Saturday. I reheated the extra scramble I made the day before and it was just as delicious. While getting breakfast ready I looked over to where I had parked Quinn and of course she was no longer there.
This is where I found here:
She managed to crawl under the chairs and had trapped herself under our breakfast table. Little monkey.
After breakfast we got dressed and headed over to my aunt Heather's condo to see the renovations she had done. Everything looked awesome. She picked some really nice finishes. After some tea and chocolate cake, we headed out for a lovely dog walk.
Later Sunday afternoon I headed over to my parent's place for the usual Sunday dinner. I was cranky and ended up freaking on my sister. Oops. Hopefully she forgives me. :)
Overall our weekend was amazing even though I decided to be a brat and end it on a bad note. :)
To end this post, I would like to share the many looks Quinn rocked this weekend:
1) Princess Quinn
2) Smurf Quinn
3) Pope Quinn
4) Lasagna-face Quinn
5) Happy messy kid Quinn
Have a happy Monday!
xo Vicky