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Friday, 19 October 2012


Sometimes I have weird dreams.
Sometimes those dreams are so realistic, when I wake up I have a hard time realizing they aren't true.
I'm sure many of you can relate.
Given the dream I had last night, I sincerely hope this isn't true.
Let me explain...
The dream started quite nicely with my sister and I going to a spa.
It started to go downhill when I threw a fit and got kicked out.
Next, Simon and I decided it would be fun to sneak into random houses without the homeowners noticing. I should note that Quinn came along too.
At one particular home, we walked in the front door, managed to sneak past the woman in the front room, went upstairs and jumped on a bed. Again, Quinn was with us. We got tired of our game and decided to leave. The problem is, we got caught by the man of the house who chased us out.
We thought, "wow - what a close call", and vowed to never do it again.
The next day we see a new group on Facebook. Plastered all over the group are pictures of Simon and I and a message to warn local homeowners of us.
I freak out.
 I think about how our reputations, careers, friendships, etc. will be ruined.
It is awful.
Simon remains calm while he explains what we could be charged with if police find us.
I decide I can't stand the guilt and decide to call the homeowners and explain.
When he answers the phone I start to cry and tell him about our game and how we never wanted to cause anyone harm. He seems to be sympathetic, but his wife is not.
The dream ends with me pleading with the wife, in person, not lay charges and suddenly she turns into a wilted flower.
I'll leave you to ponder the hidden meanings and messages of that doozy.
Have a great weekend!
xo Vicky

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