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Friday, 26 October 2012

Mommy fail

First of all...
YAY !!!
 There are some days when I just couldn't give a 'hoot'. 
Yesterday was that kind of day. Simon had class (he's working towards a Masters in Sociology) so we were rushed and I just didn't have the energy to put together an acceptable meal. 

If hotdogs are so bad for you, why do they taste so damn good?
Simon ended up eating my leftover Thai from lunch and a grilled cheese sandwich. We ran out of bread so Quinn and I had boiled hotdogs, cheese, baby carrots and orange slices. Gourmet, I know. 
Maybe I'll get my act together and make something decent tomorrow...

I was still feeling lazy after dinner so I threw on a couple animal videos on the laptop. 
It's days like this that I am thankful for YouTube and Baby Einstein.
I remember swearing that no child of mine would watch tv, especially not young, impressionable babies/toddlers. I also swore I would not feed my kids crappy food. 
How opinions change when life with kids become a reality.
For that matter, everything changes when kids enter the scene.
Like any attempt at keeping a tidy home...

I have resolved myself to the fact that my livingroom will always look like a toy tornado ripped through it.
C'est la vie.

We have a busy upcoming weekend. Tonight, Simon and I are going to my friend Heather's birthday party (cowboy/girl theme) and Saturday we are going to a Halloween party.
Here's our costumes:
Happy weekend!!!
xo Vicky

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