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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Project Camp Quinn - Art

With the hubs doing school work during all his free time, it could take a while for the bigger aspects of Project Camp Quinn to officially begin, but that doesn't mean I can't window shop for cute artwork!

Here's what I've found so far:

And according to Lizzy, in her tutorial here, they are super easy to make!

A camp-themed room wouldn't be complete without a bear and this is flipping adorable.

Tree or triangle wallpaper in a rainbow of colours?

And this garland...

Um yep, need that too. 

Well I better leave it there for today. 

We have a trip to visit Santa in the works when Miss Q wakes up, so I'm off to finally wash my face for the day. 
Yes, its 2pm. 
No, I have not yet washed my face.
I like to live dangerously on my days off.

xo, Vicky

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Our New Christmas Elf

This is Bob Tinseltoe.

He's our newest holiday tradition.
Quinn is rather taken with him.
Simon's not so convinced, but the look on Quinn's face yesterday morning when she saw his first shenanigan tells me to keep it up.
If you aren't familiar with Elf on the Shelf, I wrote a little about it here, or you can read all about it here.

Bob's job is to learn all about Miss Quinn to find out what she likes, what she doesn't like and to report all the good and the bad to Santa.

Bob will be around, getting into trouble until Christmas Eve. Once Santa is all done at our place, Bob will catch a ride on Santa's sleigh back to the North Pole.

Here's what Bob's been up to the past couple of days:

Monday morning he made a terrible mess in the bathroom...

And this morning, he pulled off some sweet Mission Impossible moves from the dining room light...
Oh Bob! (as Quinn's been saying)
xo, Vicky

Friday, 8 November 2013

Halloween 2013!

And just like that, another holiday has flown by.
Quinn's 3rd Halloween.
I can't believe two years ago we were bringing a teeny little babe in a teeny pumpkin hat to the neighbours house to trick-or-treat.
Time flies.
So without further ado, here’s how our Halloween 2013 played out...

First we searched high and low for the perfect gourdes.

Then we took our precious cargo home and got to work gutting and carving.

Here's Daddy's creation:
And here's Mommy and Quinn's creation:

 Little Miss Cookie Monster ready for Halloween!
It was raining that night, so she was prepared with her umbrella.

As for trick-or-treating, Quinn, as always, exceeded my expectations.
She said please and thank you at each house and when the door closed she would say to me, 'Another house?' Gosh she was so excited...
My parents and aunt Heather came with us and I managed to take this picture of Q and my Dad on our back home. Although its blurry and not the best quality, its one of my favorite pictures. She just loves her Grumpa so very much.

And for fun, I thought I'd share my Halloween costume...

My friends had a Halloween party last weekend and one of my girlfriends (Hi Vanessa!) had the genius idea of us dressing up as the ladies from the movie Bridesmaids.
Not too shabby for a couple WalMart outfits, some pink ribbon and a wedding dress that won't zip up in the back (eep....I need to hit the gym...) 
xo, Vicky

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Quinn at 24 months

I know I say this every month, but once again you are so much fun my dear!

I'll save our funny conversations for the next installment of Say What Now?, but what I will share is my joy at just how much you know. You put whole sentences together and we are at the point where Daddy and I know what you are talking about all the time.
You are still an awesome little eater. Whatever Daddy and I are having, you'll have too. Don't get me wrong, you still pick veggies out sometimes and you still fidget and squirm at the table, but we never worry if you are hungry.
One way we manage to sneak in good stuff is with smoothies. You love smoothies. You especially love the banana, blueberry, yogurt and spinach combo. I do too.
Smoothie mustaches are the best!

Ever since you got your teepee on your birthday, you’ve slept in it every night. One night you managed to roll off your mattress and get outside the back of the teepee. When I went in to check on you I just about had a heart attack when I saw you weren’t in there. I frantically ran around your room until I found you behind the teepee, under a pillow.

Fave Things:
If our car ride is any longer than 10 minutes, you take off your shoes AND socks. Every.single.time.

For a week leading up to Halloween, your Daddy wore a scary mask to ‘get you used to it’ so you wouldn’t be scared of it on Halloween. Well, his plan worked. It worked so well in fact, that you request that mask sit with us at the table for dinner. You also drew the mask a picture the other night when Auntie Heather was babysitting you. Point 1 for Daddy.

Auntie Heather and I took you to Dora the Explorer Live last Sunday and you absolutely loved it. When the characters came on stage, your eyes lit up and you had a perma-smile the whole show. I wasn’t sure how you’d react to the crowds of kids, the noise and the length of the show, but you were wonderful. You danced and participated all while wearing a big goofy grin. It was an awesome afternoon. 
You love your new Dora and Swiper dolls, but your absolute fave toy is still Baby Addie.

You love circle time. You do a circle time every day with all your babies while I get dinner ready. You sing the Goodmorning Train song, the alphabet, you talk about letters, numbers and the days of the week and you read stories. It is so, so, so adorable. 
 You love to help Mama cook and bake. Every night you say "Help Mommy, help Mommy" and demand that I put you up on the counter.
You do your business on the potty (sometimes)! Last weekend we put you in underwear and you only had two accidents the whole weekend! We are so proud!

We have so much fun together Quinny.
You are just the best!
xo, Vicky

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Easy and Delicious Oat Delights

I eat these babies more than I should probably admit, but give this recipe a try and you’ll understand why.

My cousin gave out a similar recipe at her wedding as part of the wedding favor.
They are THAT good.

And it really doesn’t get any easier than one pot, ingredients you probably already have in your cupboards and no baking. That’s right, no baking. 

Plus, they are wheat-free (only if you use wheat-free oats!)
Oh and Quinn approves...

Why are we still talking about this?
Let’s get started...
Easy & Delicious Oat Delights

What you’ll need: 

½ cup butter
½ milk
2 cup sugar
6 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 cup shredded coconut (sweetened, unsweetened, whatever you have) 
3 cups instant oats
1/4 teaspoon vanilla

What to do: 

Line a baking sheet with waxed paper. It doesn’t even have to be a baking sheet, just anything you can plop these little tasties on while they cool in the fridge. 

In a medium pot, melt the butter. Add the sugar and cocoa and let the delicious mixture bubble for a few minutes while the sugar dissolves.

Remove from the heat, stir in the vanilla and then add the coconut and oats.

Mix together until the oats and coconut are nicely coated in chocolate then plunk down spoonfuls onto the baking sheet.

Throw em’ in the fridge until they are nice and cool, then FEAST!

xo, Vicky
I am not responsible for any weight gain associated with the consumption of aforementioned delights.  
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