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Friday, 5 July 2013

Camping with a Toddler

Whoa, what a weekend.
I'm pooped.
So pooped that on Tuesday I thought it was running day.
I dragged my butt out of bed at the ass crack of dawn to meet my coworkers for our run only to be disappointed that no one showed up.
So off I went on my own.
Well, let's be honest I only did half the run because I have little to no self-motivation.
 I only realized my error when I saw my coworkers pull into the work parking lot while I huffed and puffed to the door.
Damn you holiday for making me think it was Monday.
 I really shouldn't curse Canada Day because it's a great reason to dress Miss Quinn up in some patriotic gear.

And for fun, here is a comparison of Canada Day 2012 and 2013:
Man, I love that child.

Anyways, what did I come here to talk about?
Oh yes, Camping with a Toddler.
I think the following statements should help 'set the scene' for you:
1) You'll tell them to stay away from the firepit about 100x a minute
2) They WILL eat dirt, sticks and random other things they discover on the ground
3) They will not sleep on their special toddler cot
4) They will however take up your entire blowup mattress
5) They will run onto the road even though you remind them 100x minute
6) They will take the liberty of breaking into the food box whenever it pleases them to snack on everything/anything
7) They will be covered head to toe in bug bites even though you used an entire bottle of bugspray on them
8) By the end of the trip they will look like a homeless child
9) So will you
10) You will both have a great time
Despite my snarky, over-tired tone, we had an awesome time camping.
Some of my fondest childhood memories are from my family camping trips so I definitely want to make sure Quinn has some memorable trips under her belt as well.


Happy Weekend!
xo, Vicky  
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