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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Who wants to build a fort with me?

Imagine, if for even a day you could return to your childhood?
 Go back to living in a world without any cares, worries or responsibilities. 
Sounds like heaven, doesn't it?

My day would probably consist of the following: 
1) Start the day off right with a heaping bowl of Fruit Loops, Sugar Crisp or Honeycombs cereal
2) Get dressed in my coolest Northern Getaway t-shirt and Umbro soccer shorts 
3) Head to the basement and try to beat the entire Super Mario Brothers game
4) Throw the couch cushions on the floor and play the lava game
5) Call up my friends and go for a bike ride
6) Hit up the monkey bars at the park and hang upside-down 
7) Get out my colouring books and Crayola markers or better yet, my Scented Mr.Sketch markers and have at it
8) Head over the dollar store and see how far my $5 allowance will go 
9) Watch a couple episodes of Ninja Turtles, Duck Tales, The Racoons, Beetlejuice, etc.
10) And finally, I'd cozy up in bed and read Sweet Valley High, Goosebumps, Little House on the Prairie or anything by RL Stine 
If anyone knows where I get a time machine so I can be 10 years old again, please let me know.
Are you an 80s/90s kid and need a dose of nostalgia? Head over to I'm Remembering and get your fill. You won't regret it.

xo, Vicky

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