I'm honestly still in shock.
I guess I convinced myself I was carrying a girl, so when I saw that blue icing inside, I was very, very surprised!
I think its fair to say the nub theory is maybe not as sound as I had thought it to be...
Needless to say, we are all thrilled and can't wait to meet this little guy in July!
Now onto party details!
Our gender reveal party was SO MUCH FUN!
We decided once everyone arrived, to have them vote either Team Boy or Team Girl.
To help them make a decision, I had printed off a list of Old Wives tales and my answers.
Of the 20 questions, my answers came back:
Girl = 15
Boy = 2
Inconclusive = 3
With those answers and their own predictions in mind, the votes came back 9:5 in favour of Team Boy.
And then we got to eating...
In perhaps a twist of fate, the three of us coincidentally grabbed blue cupcakes...
Oh and at the very moment we found out, my adorable sister cued up this song:
She said if it had been pink icing she would have played:
Like I said, she's adorable.
It was such a fun night and great way for us to share the news with our families.
Now that we know what Baby Jumping is, we are so excited to finally be able to start planning, decorating and shopping for this special little guy.
xo, Vicky